The Soul is fascinating

Over the last 3 years, my discovery of the Soul has been deeper than ever before and I am fascinated by the discovery of new facts about my Soul.  I am definitely not an expert on this topic, but have had quite a few AHA moments with the teachings from various Master teachers.  Every time I read a page in a book or website or listen or watch a video seminar, I discover more about the Soul, and a lot of things in my life have more clarity.

What is the Soul?  It is timeless, and unlike our body it will not perish,  It will carry on lifetime after lifetime, many religions mention this.  One AHA moment I had, was when I heard that we do not take anything with us including the clothes we wear on the day we will transition, except for our thoughts, speech and action that get recorded every time in our warehouse, karmic record.  The Soul takes this as inheritance to the next life.  So even though some of the karma is experienced in the same lifetime, most of it we will inherit in the next life, or give it in inheritance to our descendants.  So sometimes when we wonder, “why is this happening to me in this lifetime?”, we actually inherit karma from our lifetimes or inherited it from our ancestors.  So as the saying goes, you reap what you sow.  But not necessarily “you”, it could be anyone in your ancestral lineage that can get this inheritance.

Many of these Masters talk about the immortality of the self, which is actually the immortality of the Soul, not your body.  Life, sickness, old age and death of the physical self is inevitable.  But if we want true immortality, reach enlightenment, like the saints, it means to change what we feed into that karmic record, or warehouse.  It’s like a P&L of some sort.  If we get more profits or positive information then we are closer to the goal of achieving this enlightenment.

About a year ago, I did a P&L analysis of my karmic record and found that I am running on a loss and yet am so blessed to have what I have in my life at present.  The one vice that many religions talk about is anger.  One day Master Sha mentioned that one moment of anger can burn the whole year’s virtue, and I thought to myself, I must do an analysis of where my karmic record is.  Don’t get me wrong, the true position is not known to me, only heaven and the akashic record keepers know this.  But I just needed to understand my position.  Take responsibility, accountability and ownership of my own actions, speech and thoughts.  At 45 years of age, I calculated that there were at least 3 years that I had been angry, irritated or snapped at someone at least once a day.  That would mean more than 1,000 years of virtue burned.  But I was only 45, that meant, lifetimes of virtue burnt.  I am not challenge free, but I am grateful and blessed for the ability to convert this negative information into positive.  More now than before.  4 years ago, I did not know any of these techniques and knew very little of the Soul. I was aware that there is a Soul that reincarnates, and many people just believe that it is your karma and you have to live with it.  I did not have this deep knowledge of the Soul, of how to change your own karma by feeding it good, positive information, by doing unconditional forgiveness, bringing love, peace and harmony to all souls.   Increasing the pluses in that warehouse, thus being able to get closer to achieving enlightenment.  It is definitely not a walk in the park.  It will take lifetimes to achieve, but you have to start somewhere.

There was another AHA moment, when one of the Masters mentioned that most of us say that we have no choice as to whom we are related to.  He mentioned that we are karmically bonded and even before we are born our thoughts, speech and actions, that determine our karma, determine our destiny in future lifetimes, how and whom we are related to or also who comes into our life in one way or another.  The fact is that most of us do not remember what we did in the past lifetimes, that led us to this lifetime and whom we associate with.  We decided even before we were born, whom we are born to.

Until next time, until I learn more about the Soul and my own Soul. 

Warmest Love and Light 💜🙏

1 comment

  1. Wow lovely explanation now I understand a little more but I do get angry how do I help to help myself I tried los of ways bu I can’t consent rate my mind goes every where I tried very hard please help me

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